Tuesday, November 4, 2008

week 11

Ipods are being used more and more in the classroom nowadays that what they were originally made for-music. I think that it is great that we can take something whose main purpose is one thing and then go and adapt it to be used as a teaching and learning tool. I had a co-worker who would use his ipod to record his lectures for his pharmacy classes. He said that it made studying so much easier since he could actually hear everything that was said in class, rather then just have to cover the notes that were taken or what was in the book; because there could be material that you aren't sure about.
I found while looking on the web, that now ipods are being used in classrooms from K-12. They are being used in all different ways to help the students learn all different material, such as a foreign language, music lessons and different podcast that are relative to what is being taught. At Duke University each incoming freshman and faculty was given and ipod and invited to learn and explore how it could be used in the acedemic realm and student life at the university. Now Duke offers ipods to the students who are taking classes in which the professor will use it as tool in the classroom. Some examples are using case studies, audio samples and photos for the class being offered. I wish that there were some classes that were like that at South because I feel that it would be another window of learning that could be offered to students.

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