Friday, September 5, 2008

week 3 blog

Access is a program that stands for Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators and Students Statewide. It is a program that was started to help provide opportunities and options for Alabama public high schools students, so that they can be engaged in courses as Advanced Placement(AP), electives and other general courses. This is to provide the student the chance to take a class that may not be offered at the school that they attend. It also offers interactive video conferencing, web based courses, and summer school courses. All of these were set in place to help high school students who may not have these easily accessible to them normally.
It was also set up to help the Educators themself. This programs offers ideas on new and exciting ways to motivate the students in the classroom. Also to expand their teaching knowledge and lastly share their teaching efforts among students statewide. They also learn how to use and intergrate new technology into the classroom and teaching. This program is available for students from K-12.
I feel that this is a great program that was set up, it can effect so many students and help further them in their learning. It is great that this is out there because many students may not have some of the electives and other courses offered at their school, but through tis program they are able to take part and expand their wealth of knowledge.

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