Friday, September 12, 2008

week 4 video post

I really liked this video, it had a lot of facts on there that I knew nothing about. It was interesting to see that ALL of Indian college graduates speak English. Also that out of India and China, we had the fewest college graduates. I found it startling that America wasn't as up to speed as they should be. I liked the fact that there are people who are trying to make our students more 21st century ready.
This to me is important because with the way that everything is moving more toward technology based assignments, it is important that they know and understand what they are doing. I can remember when I was in grade school and only used a computer to play games on, we never used it to learn in the classroom or do homework. This is great because there is so much useful information that is available to them through the Internet. I also love the face that there is a program that is set up to help the children who may never have the access to a computer or the information that it provides.

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